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Vaughn Cooper

12 + 15 =

Our Team

We are evolutionary biology and microbiology researchers who know that learning is most effective by doing. We love sharing the inquiry-based learning that bacterial evolution-in-action inspires, and are committed to distributing our curricula on a massive scale.

dr. vaughn cooper

Founder & Executive Director
Professor, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Mike Handwork

Biology Teacher, Winnacunnet High School in Hampton, NH

Edwina Kinchington

Instructional Teacher Leader, Department Chair for Science, Lead Teacher, Body and Behavior Concentration, Pittsburgh Science and Technology Academy in Pittsburgh, PA

dr. abigail matela

Director of Educational Outreach & Research
Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Shani Scarponi

Biology Teacher, Winnacunnet High School in Hampton, NH

Ron Kinser

Senior School Biology Teacher, Sewickley Academy in Sewickley, PA

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We are a small non-profit organization committed to providing revolutionary educational opportunities. We welcome inquiry about partnership.


University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine
450 Technology Dr
430 Bridgeside Pt 2
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Dr. Cooper (Executive Director)
Dr. Matela (Director of Outreach)

© 2023 EvolvingSTEM

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