EvolvingSTEM uses Evolution-In-Action to capture the imagination of high school biology students. We provide classrooms with the tools to engage students in an authentic laboratory experience that increases understanding of key life science topics and inspires an enduring interest in science.

What Is EvolvingSTEM?
An inquiry-based scientific curriculum that:
- Increases understanding of key life science topics supported by Next Generation Science Standards
- Exposes students to commonly used laboratory practices and analytical methods
- Connects basic research to
real world applications in medicine - Improves scientific communication and computational thinking skills
- Builds engagement and interest in STEM
Latest News
PittMed Magazine Profile
EvolvingSTEM and our BIORETS summer training program was profiled by PittMed Magazine in an article called "Mutant Summer." early 2022, a $600,000 three-year grant from the National Science Foundation began funding a new eight-week summer program on Pitt’s...
What is EvolvingSTEM?
I am often asked, “What IS EvolvingSTEM?” Here’s how the conversation usually goes: Me: “It’s based on a weeklong experiment with bacteria that demonstrates evolution in action.” Them: “For college classes, right?” Me: “No, for introductory and advanced high school...
EvolvingSTEM on WESA
Get a closer look into how students and teachers at Pittsburgh Science & Technology Academy took a hands approach to evolution with our curriculum on 90.5 WESA. “[...] I would implore all teachers to give it a try because the engagement of the student is so much...
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University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine
450 Technology Dr
430 Bridgeside Pt 2
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Dr. Cooper (Executive Director)
Dr. Matela (Director of Outreach)

© 2023 EvolvingSTEM